I was at lunch yesterday and overheard a few snippets of conversation between four guys at the table next to me. They were talking about health care, and apparently having a great time swapping scenarios and complaining about various things. I admit I tried not to listen, focusing instead on the story I’m working on. But it was tough. What I heard was all wrong, of course. Or at least the thoughts I heard them voicing were just that–thoughts, incomplete snippets or viewpoints based on only one perspective.
But who am I to say, really? I don’t know what to do about health care.
I do know this, though: by working so hard to ignore the debate at the table beside me, I now know what to do with this story–this piece I’ve tentatively titled “Holes in the Ground,” but now obviously needs a new title. Walking back to work, I felt really excited by this piece. And as I think about what happened I realize this is what I need to be doing now. Discipline. Staying on task. Focusing on the moment. These are what I’m working on again. These are the things that matter.
There’s more to be said on the topic, of course.
But, then, tomorrow is another day.