I worked my way through the second draft at lunch yesterday, though I suppose it would be more accurate to call it draft 1.5. I did this work on paper, marking up a draft with many (many, many) ink-scrawlings. I left three problems behind that I marked in big pink highlighter.
This morning, I went through and added in all my edits, as well as fixed two of the three fundamental problems. The astute will realize that three minus two equals one, which happens then to be the number of issues I have yet to resolve.
The issue here is a matter where I’m unhappy with the method I’ve chosen to report a integral fact of behind the story. The draft today does it in a workmanlike fashion, so technically it’s “fine.” I’m looking for better than fine, though. My guess is that I need to plant a seed someplace upstream to hang the information on at the key point. But honesty forces me to admit that at this moment I’m not 100% positive where that hook ought be planted. So I think I’m going to let this sit for the afternoon and come back to it with a different brain on.
Yes, I know. That sounds like it might hurt a bit.
Hey, it’s a tough life.