Morning (7:13) – Managed an official 959 morning words via the Microsoft Word judge. The second character, Kinji Hall, takes a step back and ties into her support infrastructure in the form of a night out with a best friend. she’s not feeling good about something, and the friend is going to help her see it. Hoping to get another few pages in before the end of the day.
So we’ll see about working at lunch, or when I get home.
Evening (9:05) – No work at lunch…or at least no work on the book. But I spent a chunk of time this evening and finished up at just over 1,800 words for the day. They were interesting words, too, combination of characterization and new realization for me–in this case, the conversation between Kinji and her friend helped me uncover exactly what she thought about the “main” character, which was very helpful.
The even better news is that I still have a few bits to add to this conversation, so I’ve got a jumping off place to start first thing in the morning, too. But for now I’m brain dead, so I’m calling it a night.
Have a good one.