Ok, so I’m sitting on the couch and watching Lisa walk and work. I would be, I suppose, walking and working, too … but I’m tired. I’m up over 30K steps already, and I’m just kinda feeling lazy. I don’t suppose being up until 1:00 last night watching the Cards lose in 5 overtimes had anything to do with it. I did want to give a bit of a treadmill update, though.
Here’s a screen capture of my steps measure (taken earlier this morning):
Bottom line, the treadmill desks seem to be doing their job. We took a few moments to clean them tonight, which consists of lifting them up and vacuuming around. Took only a few moments. Can’t complain.
But, yeah, I’m more than a bit brain dead right now (no comments from the peanut gallery, all right) and I think I’ll head off to bed pretty quickly. In that light, here’s a link Lisa sent me on getting away from work, and (partially) the value of sleep. So, go get some.
Of course, as proof of your brain-deadness, your link at the end just goes to typosphere. 🙂
Oops. Corrected. 🙂