Friday – Day 2 Semi-Recap

I’ve decided there’s very little that’s more cool than going to a publisher’s party and seeing a cake made up with a book cover, and having that book cover carry your name. Seriously, can there be much cooler than that? It happened last night at the Dell party (Dell publishes Analog and Asimov’s), and the cover was this month’s Analog, which I posted below somewhere. I also got to see the physical magazine for the first time there, and meet several very interesting folks (of course).

Other items of note:

1) A remarkably interesting conversation about Europa and the issues that could affect life there–and around the solar system, really.
2) I actually learned several somethings at a panel focused on how the digital age has changed magazines. I admit I tend to think I’ve heard a lot about this, but really I haven’t thought about it a ton from the perspective of actually putting together the “product” or the new processes of releasing it that groups need to consider–especially if they have both print and digital editions.
3) Wandering down to the Writers of the Future party, and seeing the new edition and talking to a few of the new writers. It’s a long slog from there, but remembering it made me smile inside. Congrats to all of the winners!

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