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We know two things today. First, Ed Carpenter is on the pole for the Indianapolis 500. But more important, we know Four Days in May, The Greatest Spectacle in Science Fiction, is now available at all the usual locations–just in time to enjoy before race day!
This group of stories is great fun (to me, anyway!)–they’re all science-fictiony goodness in its most loveable form, full of aliens and intergalactic federations and other such escapist strangeness, all told against the backdrop of the Greatest Spectacle in Motorsports.
This edition includes an original story (as will every issue of this strange continuum that John and I have planned). In this case, it’s “Neighbors in Gasoline Alley,” which tells the tale of of the first extraterrestrial attempt to take on the Brickyard. It comes highly recommended (meaning both Lisa and Tammy, our much better halves, suggest it’s some of our best work). Other stories include “The Day the Track Stood Still,” which was first published in Analog, “Oh-oh”, which was in Switchblade (a Fictionwise Anthology), and “Speeding,” which was original to the first installment of the anthology.
Hope you like it. And, yeah, we’ll update you when the Kobo and Google Play links go active.
You, can, of course, still get copies of “Three Days in May.” This whole project is experimental, and we’re not sure how everyone will react to it as we build over the years, so John and I will leave these out there on the cheap for folks to get hold of if they prefer the shorter, cheaper editions. They are collector’s editions, after all. [grin]
In all seriousness, all feedback is helpful here. I don’t want to confuse our very cool readership if I can avoid it.