My ConFusion Schedule

I’ve been a terrible person and not mentioned that I’ll be in Detroit, attending ConFusion, from January 17th-19th. This will mark the third time I’ve been at this convention, and it’s always a fun time. I get to see Brigid and Nick, and I get to see and spend time with a bunch of interesting people. What can possibly go wrong with that?

I received my agenda yesterday, and just got around to compiling “where I’ll be.” It turns out I’ll be quite busy–which is good, I think.

Here’s a listing of the sessions I’ll be participating in. Stop in and see me if you’re in the area:


Friday 6pm: Collins/Harriett reading Yes, I shall be reading something of my own. If you come, I shall not be alone! (Now I just need to figure out what I’m going to read, eh?)

Saturday 12pm: Secret Histories and Alternate Universes
How do you take our world and build out from it? Simply add dragons to the Napoleonic wars, or create a history of secret witches running the American Revolution? Ferrett Steinmetz*, Courtney Allison Mouton, Laura Resnick, Ron Collins, Jay S. Ridler

Saturday 1pm: Current State of Short Fiction
An update on the state of short fiction in the fantasy/SF world – who’s writing, publishing, and reading? Catherine Shaffer*, Scott H. Andrews, Ron Collins, Elizabeth Shack

Saturday 3pm: Mass Autograph Session

Saturday 4pm: Time Travel (im)Possibilities
Would 1.21 gigawatts get the job done, or would the flux capacitor even work? Time for our panelists and audience to debunk our favorite time travel devices in literature and popular media. Bill Higgins*, Philip Kaldon, Ron Collins, Andrew Zimmerman Jones

Saturday 7pm: Playing Solo vs. In a Band
Playing with other people is a very different dynamic from working alone. How do you adjust, and make it work? Cathy McManamon*, Jason Neerenberg, Ron Collins.

Sunday 1pm: The Kids are Alright
Blah, blah, greying of fandom, we’ve all heard it. But why are we still talking about it as an inevitability? What are kids into these days? YA and Middle Grade literature is filled with SF/F, as are tv shows and movies aimed at kids, while things like Tabletop encourages families to play more games. The kids are here, and they’re doing just fine. Jackie Morgan*, Ron Collins, Carrie Harris, Justin Howe

Sunday 2pm: Powersuits and Prosthetics
Science Fiction has long imagined a future when technology can replace or enhance human limbs. Join Science Guest of Honor Cynthia Chestek and our costume panelists to discuss how to design plausible robotics for your science fiction hero. Ron Collins*, Patrick S. Tomlinson, Cynthia Chestek, David M. Stein




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