So much to do and the Spanish Inquisition, just for…uh…laughs?

The super moon hits its peak tonight at 8:52 EST. Cool, eh?


So I’m back from TusCon43, which was a great time, and where I met lots of great people. The panels I was part of presenting or sat in on were full of vigorous conversation. I signed a few books, and got to talk about story structure and basically just wallow in the fun and weird and nerdy environment that is fandom. So, yeah, the southwest was quite welcoming to this mid-western kid.

Now I’m trying to circle the wagons (to use a western metaphor) and figure out if there is any chance in hell I can get back on schedule. I’m figuring not, but I shall plow on and see what happens. Hang with me and I’ll soon be dropping exciting information about Stealing the Sun my new SF series, and about The Knight Deception the first book in what could be an episodic series that I’m planning to publish through Skyfox in February or so.

Super, super busy.

I’m pushing book one into early publication cycles now. Final proofing of book 2 is just complete. Book three proofing needed to start a week ago. Book four’s manuscript is nearly finished, but there’s a long path after that. And now book 5 will have to happen in conjunction with a major workshop workload.

So, yeah…sigh.


I was tired last night, so rather than do much heavy lifting, I went back and watched the Trump interview that CBS did on Saturday.


It just struck me a minute ago that it was kind of like a Monty Python sketch, but without the overt winks and nods, and without the laugh track.

Here’s hoping things go rocketing to greatness.

But, seriously…

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Posted in Conventions, Stealing the Sun, The World.

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