Ron’s Recommendation: The Memory Palace

As with most things, I’ve come upon Nate DiMeo’s Memory Palace podcast late. Technically, this is good because it means I have well over a hundred episodes I can listen to rather than waiting breathlessly for the next one to drop.

Seriously, each of these episodes are a a great way to spend ten minutes or so. The guy is absolutely brilliant. I mean, he makes me want to write.

His formula is pretty simple: take a piece of our lives or a bit of our history that we probably haven’t really looked at before, and hold it up for us to see certain obvious (but not always evident) truths they hold. He lets us think about those truths and package then in ways that make sense to us–always leading, but never quite demanding. He lets us feel what they mean. If you’re wanting to be a storyteller, there’s extra stuff in there, too—as in analytical things you can do to figure out how they work. But really…you don’t want to do that because each of his stories does something amazing.

Just plug in and listen. I’ll give you a few suggestions below, but I’m figuring you can start anywhere and they’ll all be great.

Did I mention they’re generally only about ten minutes a pop?


Notes On an Imagined Plaque
A Washington Monument
The Year Hank Greenberg Hit 58 Home Runs
If You Have to Be a Floor

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Posted in Life, Podcast.

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