I suppose I should take a moment to note that the Midwinter Fae (A Procession of Faeries – 2) anthology put together by Jamie Ferguson is now available in print! Given the other writers on its table of contents, I was quite proud to have my story “First Rays of New Sun” appear in its e-pages, and am doubly thrilled to be able to say you can get it on real live paper.
So, yeah, we’re still close to mid-winter, right? Go on an check it out!
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Dance with the Fae on the shortest day of the year!
On the day of the shortened sun
A battle between two kings has begun.
The old year dies, and the Oak King rules
We celebrate with logs of Yule!
But the Holly King is defeated, not dead
To Caer Arianrhod he heads.
Until Midsummer, when they battle again
And the Holly King will once again reign…
Ride along with a motorcycle gang of people who were stolen by the Fae as children. Dance with an ice-skating fairy who can fly through the air, try to outrun the Wild Hunt on a dog sled, and watch out for those who slip into our world from the sideways places. And if you hold a seance on the solstice, be very, very careful what you ask for…