STS-8 Dare: Day 10

TLDR Version: 1,300 new words today (another 1,500 recycled). Good action scene pushed its way into the world. Life on the page is getting complicated.

I mentioned at the beginning of this project that I was working a bit differently from usual—that I started by “plotting” the whole story. Meaning I spent time breaking things into chapters, then wrote a paragraph or two about what went into each. Now, theoretically, I’m going back and adding the flesh to that story line.

In practice this is still holding up, though not to perfection. I find myself spewing words, then sometimes realizing I’ve broken into other sections of the story—which then makes me rethink structure at the same time as I’m creating words. Sometimes I drop words into the sections where I think they belong, hence more deeply seeding those sections for when I get to them, and other times I adjust the structure. When I’m not sure, I just leave the words where they sit and move on.

A result is that I often have large chunks of words in places I’m not sure they belong. This is “fine” for now, but can be confusing for me. It’s hard to remember what chapters are truly as finished as they need to be now and which are still needing the chisel. My reaction to this has been to mark those chapters I consider to be finished with an “x” in the title. At present I have eight such marks.

Total Dare Word Count Now: 10,100
Total Book: 13,400 words

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