Yay! A few days back, I noted that STARBORN, book 9 (and final) of the Stealing the Sun series is in something close to final draft form. There will be more to come on that in the future, of course.
Today, however, I’m really stoked to let you know that at long last, both STARGAMES and STARDUST (books 7 and 8 of the Stealing the Sun series) are available for pre-order!
That’s right! I’ve been writing in this world for several years now, so it’s so exciting to see the whole thing come together.
Check it out!
STARGAMES – Coming July 30!

Intergalactic War Is Chaos
New forces gather. The United Government search for Universe Three’s home system narrows, leaving the rebels with slim options. How far is Deidra Francis willing to go to give her people a chance to live free?
The answer: As far as it takes—or farther.
Nothing less than the survival of the human race lies in the balance.
STARDUST – Coming August 30!

On a Dying Planet, Hope?
Torrance Black, the lone human on Esgarat, has a plan to save the dying planet, but can he get to Esgarat City fast enough to see it through? Baraq Waganat returns to Esgarat City, out for blood and hellbent on taking down the most powerful Families. Tierra Waganat’s seething hatred of his brother Baraq drives his need to restore their Family’s power.
The Families jostle for control. The Orange Army remnants fall back. The quadarti struggle to maintain the lives they’ve always known.
Their stories tangle together to ask the only questions that matter:
How will they survive? And what will be left if they do?