In today’s reminder that being an independent writer/publisher means it’s all just me inside this little black box, I pretty much dumped my normal morning “word creation” routine to focus on getting a couple big deal publishing things managed.
The biggest of the big deals is this:
STARBORN, Stealing the Sun: Book 9 is now officially up and available for pre-order!
Folks paying close attention will know that STARDUST (Book 8) has been on pre-order for some time, and is due to officially publish in less than a week (August 30). I’m so pleased!
I’ve been waiting to formalize the book 9 date to be sure I could hit it—but all signs are now positive, and I’m setting the end of September as a formal target. Much fun.
Of course, that means I spent this morning engaged in my all-time favorite pastime, wrestling with the Amazon/Kobo/B&N/GooglePlay/D2D back ends to ensure things are just so. < sarcasm mode off >. All is good now, though, and as a result of my toils—which I do gladly for you, my friends…yes, I actually said gladly—fans of the series can now go here to pre-order STARBORN at any of their favorite online booksellers.
This is a really exciting moment for me because it represents the end of an era. STARBORN is the official end of this series. By that I mean that, while there are always more directions I could go if I get motivated in the future, Book 9 brings the primary series narrative to a close. It was a bit of a chore to make it all happen—which I think is always the case with a final book in series. I was using an ensemble cast (and one that grew as time went!), so it was interesting to give all of these characters an ending they deserved (or at least all the primary movers and shakers).
I think I pulled it off, though.
So, yeah, maybe I’ll decide to tell more stories in this universe. They were all fun to write, so it’s not outside the realm of possibilities. But if I do it’ll be a different story.
All good, right?
All good.
Now, though (he says for Sharon’s insider benefit), it’s time to take the publisher hat off and put the writer hat back on.
Congratulations on the series completion!! Huge achievement!