Kobo Addendum

In support of a good blog post on the values of buying books “wide,” my friend Tracy Cooper-Posey just posted her sales map on Kobo. She’s pushing Kobo here, and for good reason. It’s a great online bookstore for all the reasons Tracy lists.

You should read the post.

Every one of her points are valid, and good to consider.

I’ll add on to her point #4 (that Kobo has a subscription service, like the other big site), that Kobo also allows authors into that service without restricting them from selling their books elsewhere. Now, I admit that I’m not majorly in on the idea of subscription programs, simply because they put the distributors in a position where they can adjust things such that another author’s “sale” hurts me, and vice versa. But to pair that subscription service to an exclusivity agreement is particularly egregious to my delicate senses.

So, anyway, I love all the distributors equally, of course. And, really, I need to do better at focusing on readers who access books through AppleBooks and GooglePlay, myself. But for now, I’ll join Tracy in her praise of Kobo.

As you can probably guess, the image above is my own little sales graph for Kobo – which is pretty cool. Not quite as comprehensive as Tracey’s, but we all have to aspire to something, right?

(Thanks for posting that, Tracey!)

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