Bobby Knight and the Game of Basketball

Bobby Knight recently argued against the three-point line and the use of a shot clock in college basketball. For this he was oft condemned and run through the meat grinder of various internet boards, including ones that support my beloved Louisville Cards (Beat Boise!). These people considered Knight obsolete or just an old fogy with […]

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Kicking and Screaming

Ok. So that was a pretty long break, eh? Not such a big deal, I guess. Somehow the world has continued to spin on its axis and things have continued to happen. Color me shocked. As you might be able to tell from the looks of the site, I’ve finally come into the modern world, […]

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No Net

I’m happy to report that “Futures”, a feature of Nature magazine, has agreed to publish my short story “Picasso’s Cats.” It’s a fun little piece that I wrote one night at the Writer’s of the Future workshop. Much fun. # The collaboration with John is coming along. It currently stands at about 6K words, and […]

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Nano Problems

Brigid got me an iPod Nano for Father’s Day, meaning that I’ve slowly been pulled into something closer to the modern age. I’m a real Renaissance Man. Of course, I rn into problems with it last week. It … er … died–as in the screen went blank and I couldn’t get it to operate. Three […]

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Half the Way There

I apologize to you few who are out there reading, but I just didn’t get time to improve on my weak-bottomed entry yesterday. Sorry. Not that today’s will be much better. [grin] I’m working heavily on the Bodin collaboration right now. John’s done a bunch of work getting it to a spot, and now I’m […]

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It’s always something. As a result of some of that something, I’m out of time this morning. I’ll see if I can detail a bit more of all this something come this afternoon at lunchtime. So if you see this in the morning, you might return sometime and see if I’ve put something up. See […]

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This Time, Flying

We’re back, daughter in tow. While we were in Chicago, we also managed to see the art museum, and make another stop at the planetarium–both are always good for bursts of awe and wonder, though for different reasons, of course. We also stopped off on the way back and had a nice visit with Lisa […]

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Finding It

Perhaps I should re-title my last entry. Just for completeness sake, that entry was titled “Unlucky Number 11.” It was about a story I’m re-writing. In the entry, I recounted its essence of bloat and otherwise basically ponderous nature. In it, I also mentioned that I liked the story, and that it was all there. […]

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Not-So-Lucky Number 11

I’ve come to the eleventh of the twelve stories I thought were worth salvaging. I read it for the first time last Friday. It is a little scary, actually; 8,000 words–lots and lots of exposition. My descriptions are thick and stultifying. Reading it is like trying to breathe in an August swamp. The fact that […]

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Market Day

Today was Market Day, meaning that I set aside serious time to look at markets, and did my best to match them with two stories I think are ready for release. I always look upon these days with a great sense of hope and expectation. Yes, I am an optimist. You may humor me now. […]

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