Before and After

Today—for the first time since, I think, February of 2020—before covid, anyway, I actually went and got a “real” haircut. Perhaps you might one of those who would say I’ve been overly cautious, or perhaps not. But once covid hit, I’ve stayed away from such public places as much as I could. As I told […]

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My Dad and Jackie Robinson

Some time back my dad—who grew up in both Atlanta, GA and South Bend, IN—mentioned that as a kid he had gone to see a minor league baseball game in Atlanta in which Jackie Robinson played. We didn’t talk long about it, but he described the event as somewhat uplifting, I admit, for several reasons, […]

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Alas, It Didn’t Have to Be This Way

I wrote this yesterday, if it matters, while I was preparing to do our grocery shopping and as I was thinking back to how—until the last few months—I’d never considered a trip to the grocery store to be anything, you know, “special.” # # # # # It’s 9:37 AM. July 18. By worldometer, the […]

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Dreaming On Tax Day

You can tell our priorities are mixed up because of how pissed off we feel on Tax Day. I can’t remember exactly where I heard that idea first, but it’s returned to my mind often for some time. Those words are hot on my mind today because I just finished packaging up returns. I admit […]

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Help a Brother Out

Hair’s going to be college length soon! I’m out at the grocery store yesterday, strolling down an aisle, when a guy who is not wearing a mask zips past. As he’s next to me he leans in and says a breathy “Hi.” Then he’s gone. Given that my personal form of idiocy is a bit […]

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In May of 1961, my mom brought me into this world. Since then, she has been a true light for me. One I could always count on. Dad was like that, too, of course, but he had enough of those “I brought you into this world, I can take you out” moments that it’s fair […]

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The Okay, Boomer Chart

Now, here’s a fascinating chart. Really, even though it takes a moment absorb, it speaks a novel’s worth about where we are right now. The data comes from the Federal Reserve, and shows how much of the country’s wealth has been owned by each generation over time. I found it because it’s a moderately popular […]

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Frogs in the Stew

Amid all the other crap going on in our politics—all of which are important—we have two issues that are going to fundamentally change the lives of every person on the planet. The book I’m working on now touches on one of them, the book I’ll work on next (probably) takes on the other. The first […]

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