Wait For It

Sometimes the world is a wondrous place. Sometimes it reaches out and gives you presents. This weekend was one of those times. I’ll leave you hanging on the actual present until tomorrow, because I’m like that, I guess, but mostly because I want to get a picture of it to do it up right. Suffice […]

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Strange Times

This is a very strange time at work. The news of my impending move away from the corporate world and into the life of a freelance writer is pretty much searching it’s happy place. This means that people are stopping me in the hallways, or pausing in the quiet moments before and after meetings. They […]

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So, we’re going on nine weeks from Lisa’s surgery, and she’s making progress every day. She’s moved from boots to shoes and from two crutches to one. And today she’s taken several steps without a crutch at all. In fact, we took a bit of a walk down the street when we got home tonight, […]

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Under Pressure

It’s been around a long time, of course, but I still find “Under Pressure” to be a song that stops me in my tracks. They played it on the radio this morning as I was making Lisa’s oatmeal (she’s still got morning exercises to do, and it’s still a good idea to keep her off […]

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Sleep, Who Needs it?

… me, I guess. Here’s another reason to look forward to full-time freelancing. kinda. Today I slept in, which means that if I’m going to hit a medium-fair wordcount I’ll need to cram writing into the rest of my day. Yes, I know. Woe is me. But still … Since I’m on the topic, here’s […]

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Joe Posnanski on Vlad

If you love baseball (or sports in general, or just occasional interesting things from unusual angles), you’ve got to read Joe Posnanski. Here’s a recent bit on Vlad Guerrero that captures him, and perhaps the core of the game, as perfectly as possible.

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Ron’s Story Demographics

I admit I’m stymied about how to respond to the recent discussion about gender and race in science fiction. I get it all and I agree with the general focus, though I tend to think of things as always in transition and get a bit angsty at folks with the most one-toned responses. They are […]

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A Couple Days in San Antonio

It’s strange attending a convention that I’m not participating in. In some ways it feels like I’m not actually here, but on the other hand, it’s also kind of freeing. I’m doing the best I can to look at things going on around me–watch people and listen better to their conversations, pay attention to their […]

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