Settling in

Book recommendation: I’m only a quarter of the way through it, but Jim Hines’ Libriomancer is a lot of fun. # I can tell it’s going to take a few weeks for me to settle into whatever my daily cycle is going to be–maybe a few months, really, since December is a weird month. Part […]

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We have the winner(s)

I’m sure everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting to hear about the winner of the “Fry it Up in a Pan” Sweepstakes. First, let me say that I was happy to receive every recipe you all sent–and there were several. I suspect I will make all of them at one time or […]

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“Dumb” things people say

I love seeing how “experts” think about things, and I especially enjoy hearing the oddities in how they talk about them. People, you see, say the dumbest things. I know, because I are a people, and I often say things that make others look at me askew. I like to think most of the time […]

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Not Just Rockets and Robots

I know … this place is getting thick with an unending stream of “lasts” and publishing news. While I’m going to promise to go light on the “lasts” from here on out, I hope to be unable to promise a slow-down on publishing news. Tonight is no exception. Sorry, but I’m really not too sorry […]

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Book 3: Gone Girl

The third book that I’ve finished in the past month or so, is not SF at all. Instead, it’s a mystery. Or is it? If you don’t know, I’m not telling: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn This is a story of a love affair between Nick and Amy, only Nick is really Lance, who is […]

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Update: Resolution #2

I’ve written recently about my triumphant domination of my New Years resolution regarding physical activity–that being my quest to average at least 20,000 steps a day. I admit it’s fun to discuss the “walking resolution” because I’m kicking total step butt on it. It turns out that 20K is really not that difficult when you […]

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It’s the final countdown!

“How many days?” Lisa was driving us home from work. It was a question she had asked before–how many more work days before my career at the day job is over? In the past I’ve poo-pooed the question. In the past I didn’t have a solid date selected, but that’s different now. Now there is […]

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At the continued risk of sounding like a pretentious, overblown navel-gazer, I suppose that during this period of semi-introspection I’m going through it’s not too surprising that I’m finding a bunch of cases where synchronicity is raising its marvelously strange head. (Odd, isn’t it? When you start actually paying attention to something, you see it […]

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People with a truth

For various reasons I’ve been thinking a lot about quality work recently, and likewise about art. Some of this is tied up in things going on at work, but most of it is probably me trying to decide who it is that I want to be as I move into this next phase. It comes […]

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How many hours will I work?

“How many hours a day will you work as a writer?” a friend of mine at work asked. This is relevant because I’m spending a lot of effort studying work hours and organizational effectiveness. And it’s relevant because I’ve taken a lot of this work to leadership for overall discussion and awareness. It’s relevant because […]

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