I’ll Take It

More good stuff coming in about my novelette “Following Jules.” SFRevu says: This was a beautiful story about love. I’ll take it. [grin] # Without going into specifics, it’s been a very long month. My pure output has dwindled, and I’ve lost momentum on the projects I had in the pipeline. Oh, it’s okay, of […]

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Pausing for a Commercial Break

Sorry for the raw commercialism of this post, but when it rains it pours. Okay, I admit I’m only a little sorry for it. [grin] I’m pleased to have received news that Juliana Rew of Third Flatiron Publishing contacted me yesterday to let me know that she’s interested in using my short story “Schrodinger’s Soldier” […]

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Amy Sterling Casil writes a remarkable memory of A.J. Budrys. And, yes, I do remember her confusion over A.J.’s commentary one year. And yes, she has a rare gift. I felt A.J. was pretty rough with my work my first year at WotF until very late in that week. He dismissed a piece of mine […]

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Start Your Day with Sarah Kay

As happens a lot on the internet, I came upon Sarah Kay through a series of randomish events and link clicks. She’s a spoken word poet, among other things, whose work has a startling clarity about it. I watched one of her videos a week or two back, and then her TED talk, and since […]

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Career Paths, Kerfuffles, Respect, and SFWA

I was talking to a co-worker today who was running thoughts past me about a possible next role. We discussed steps that had occurred, people who had been talked to, and the relative merits of the role and this co-worker’s capabilities and merits. Mostly, though, we talked about a question the co-worker had about how […]

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“Josie Andrew” Makes it to the Kindle

In celebration of Father’s Day weekend, I thought I would take the opportunity to release my short story “The Disappearance of Josie Andrew” to Amazon for you kindle users out there–complete with a revamped cover image. (It’s already on Smashwords and all the places SW distributes to for all those other reader-types). DJA is a […]

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Interstellar Fiction takes “Out of the Fire”

In quickly breaking news, I am happy to announce that I’ve come to agreement with Adam Crouse and the good folks at Interstellar Fiction to have my short story “Out of the Fire” published in their June issue–which should be going up, well, in June. June 1st, to be specific. Very pleased, of course. I […]

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Stacking Up

As I noted previously on Facebook, I see that Barb Galler-Smith has announced that the new issue of On Spec is out, complete with an interview of me and my story “Operation Hercules.” OH is your basic dinosaur in World War II story, and is a favorite of mine for a few reasons. Needless to […]

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Fiction River Update

I’m really pleased to note that Kris Rusch has posted a note about the Fiction River anthology How to Save the World, edited by John Helfers. This anthology will include my story “The Legend of Parker Clark and Lois Jane.” I’m terribly excited to be part of this one. Here’s the cover:

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