A Fish Tank Full of Escher

Craig Reade at cxPulp gives Deca-Dad three and a half stars, and rates it one of the better stories in the December Analog. I’ll take it. While you’re just kinda sitting there vegging, you might find it fun to check out these two great pieces of animation at TOR.com. They are like watching a fish […]

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Piecing Things Together

I pulled all the threads of my “pilot story” together to look at them as a stand-alone short story. Strangely, they came up to–you got it–right at 9,500 words. I seriously wonder if I’m ever again going to write a story that doesn’t weigh in at something other than 9-12K. This was an interesting process, […]

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Thinking Bigger…er…or at least more

Once again, I spent much of this morning thinking about the high-level plot of this latest story.  It’s coming together, and I like it quite a bit.  I admit I’m a bit worried about length, though.  It looks to me like a 30-40,000 word piece, which is not particularly marketable.  And the fundamental idea strikes […]

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Great basketball game last night.  Butler’s last shot really, really, really needed to go in. Sigh. Technically, I completed no words this morning. I did, however, spend more than an hour thinking about the project and jotting down a bunch of notes that increased the size of the file by about four pages. So I […]

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Further into the Modern Age

I’ve been going back and forth about how I should get back to managing my “web presence.”  At one point I think I should can the WordPress thing and go back to the old stuff that I loved so much.  Then I think that would be silly–the arrow of time points only one direction.  At […]

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It’s always something. As a result of some of that something, I’m out of time this morning. I’ll see if I can detail a bit more of all this something come this afternoon at lunchtime. So if you see this in the morning, you might return sometime and see if I’ve put something up. See […]

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