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  1. Hi Ron, I just read The Odds and, I musrpt say, that was the best two lages of fiction I’ve read in years.

    You packed such a large world in such a small space.

    Is it part of a larger work of fiction? It was very space opera-y.

    You’ve got some mad skills.

    What should I read next? What are you most happy with?



  2. Thanks, Eric. You’ve made my night.

    The Odds is currently a stand alone, but I admit it got me thinking about bigger things. We shall see.

    As far as other things, I suppose that depends on what you like. My short fiction collection “Picasso’s Cat” has several of my favorite pieces, and has been reviewed quite well. If you’re into more-sorcery-than-sword fantasy, I’m quite proud of my 8-novella serial Saga of the God-Touched Mage. “The Colossal Death Ray” (which was in the July issue of Galaxy’s Edge) feels a little like “The Odds” to me, but what do I know? Perhaps my favorite of my own works at this moment is “After” a tiny 200-word short story you can find in the January issue of Analog (though it was originally printed in a little chapbook of one sentence stories).

    And, if you like pulpy/pure fun SF, I think you’ll get a kick out of “Five Days in May” — a collection of short stories I’ve written with John Bodin. I love them all. It was just given a fantastic review by Tangent Online, which always makes me quite happy.

    Sorry if that’s a bit too much. [grin]

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