Here are twenty eight short stories scattered across three very different collections. Every piece has a connection to the Fiction River original anthology magazine project, having either appeared in their pages, having been written during the workshop, or having been originally written for them only to appear in other professional venues.
The entire project consists of:
Streams of Speculation
Tides of Adventure
You can get them all here:

Or you can venture deeper into the the currents and see what’s in each volume.
The Ambassador Mission
Drinks on a Beach
Tomorrow in All the Worlds
Fighting the Realms
Space Tyrants from the Void
Eyes Flashing Blue and Brown and Green
Goliath’s Sling
This is a collection of short stories that have all appeared in issues of Boundary Shock Quarterly, which is a fun little syndicate of writers corralled by Blaze Ward. All of these stories are original to this publication with the exception of “Bugs” which first appeared in Analog. Given their origin, I’ve given the collection the witty subtitle of “Stories from the Boundary.” Cool, right?
I had a blast writing these, and that in reading them over in preparation of this collection I found myself enjoying them again. I hope you’ll find them just as odd and quirky as I do.
As the Flying Scot used to say, it’s a beautiful day for a motor car race!
This is a collaborative collection my buddy John C. Bodin and I release each year, adding an original story each edition. It’s chock full of characters we love, making tough choices, and (of course) dealing with troubles both on and off the track.
Tangent Online gave us a marvelous review and even included “Ghost of a Chance” on their recommended reading list–which is way cool. We hope you’ll like it, too. All six of these were great fun to write.
Did You Buy It Last Year? Get Your Update Free! John and I figure that if you buy the work once, we’ll spring you a free electronic copy this time. Just drop me an note and I’ll do the needful.
– Tangent Online
– Pick Up Your Copy At These Places –
Amazon : US – UK – CA – DE – AU
Kobo: US – CA
CreateSpace (Print)
What will happen when …
– A military man is given an order that will destroy an entire species of intelligent life?
– Three members of a close-knit software company develop a technology worth billions?
– A hit man gets caught in a war between his boss and the dead don of a rival family?
– A corporate web developer takes on a rogue virus with a personality?
– A group of space-faring chickenmen land in a farmer’s corn patch?
Picasso’s Cat and Other Stories showcases the broad talents of one of science fiction’s more versatile writers. This collection contains 15 tales of humor, hard science, cyberpunk, near-future SF, and space opera–including the three-story “Stealing the Sun” series that first appeared in Analog Science Fiction and Fact. The collection is introduced by multi-award-winning author Mike Resnick, and each story is accompanied by short commentary by the author. Whether you’re new to Ron Collins’s work or already an established fan, Picasso’s Cat and Other Stories provides, for the first time ever, the very best of his science fiction in one complete volume.
Amazon: US | UK | CA | DE | AU
The collection includes five previously published stories. I don’t write that much fantasy in short form these days, but I have to say these are some of my favorite stories.
The table of contents is:
A Gathering of Bones
Ties That Bind
The Family Tree
True Power
The Time of Leaving
Available in print and electronic formats!