I’m excited to let folks know that I’ve got another Kickstarter project expected to launch in late-May! Since Kickstarter isn’t always everyone’s starting place, I thought I’d take a moment to chat about it because … well … because this one has been a blast to write.

What is it, you ask? Well, here’s a little summary:
From Katniss Everdeen to Tyrion Lannister, James Bond to Lieutenant Dan (and maybe a few more!), Ron Collins brings his unique perspective built through thirty years of experience to examining some of the most iconic characters ever presented on the page. Along the way he helps writers build toolboxes they can use to create their own dazzling and memorable characters — all done with a personal touch illuminated by a life spent searching for characters that matter.
If you’re trying to write great characters, or simply want to celebrate them, too, this book is for you.
That’s right. This whole project is just a super-fun cover for me to be able to spend time with characters I love (and figure you do, too!).
Gandalf? Sarah Connor? The Clone Club? Batman? Crash Davis?
The list is long. Very, very long.

If the cover looks familiar, this is a companion book to last year’s On Writing (And Reading!) Short. If you missed that kickstarter, you’ll be able to pick up discounted copies of that book now, too!
Which leads me to …
First, of Course, Will Be the Book Itself.
On Creating (And Celebrating!) Characters is more than 150 pages chock full of character goodness. It comes in all formats
- Digital Edition – $7
- Paperback Edition (5×8) – $12
- Hardback Edition – $20
- Or get a discount on all formats! – $40
Other Rewards Include:
- Pairings With On Writing (And Reading!) Short
- Personalized, signed copies
- Name a Character!
- Become a Character!
- Your Name in Print! (every backer will be thanked in the book)
Don’t Forget the Add-Ons & Stretch Goals!
As with any fun kickstarter, I’ll try to surprise you with lots of other goodies. But we’ll leave all that for the actual Kickstarter page. Bottom line here is that, whether you’re a reader or a writer, I hope you have as much fun with this volume as I had creating it!
If you’re interested in being informed of its launch, click the button here and get notified on its Kickstarter project page!